Advisor’s Journey
Your 90-Day Onboarding Plan
You’re a New Partner?
This is an overview map of your New Advisor Earning Programme (NAEP)

What Is NAEP?
You’re on your way to earn a DISCOUNTED or FREE Thermomix TM6.
This is how you start!
The 90 Days New Advisor Earning Program (NAEP) allows you to buy a Thermomix TM6 at a discounted price when your sell, or earn one FREE when you sell 6 TM6 units!
Discount | Sales (TM) | Price (RM) |
- | 0 | 6988 |
25% | 1 | 5250 |
40% | 2 | 4150 |
50% | 3 | 3500 |
65% | 4 | 2450 |
80% | 5 | 1400 |
100% | 6 | FREE |
What is 90-Day Onboarding Plan?
Within 90 days, we will walk with you to help you embark on these career aspects

Good food for a lifetime, made easy with a quality product you will love

Turn your passion for good food into income by mastering the Thermomix Customer Experience

Grow your business with like-minded people, sharing the joy of Thermomix, one household at a time
90 Days Timeline
Walkthrough on how to start your Day 1 until complete Day 90

Day 1
Loving Thermomix
Getting to know Team Managers
Administration setup
Cooking with your Thermomix

Day 2
Unboxing & Setting Up
Complete 7 Days Perfection
Master Demo dishes
Announce you are a Thermomix Advisor
Cook & Share on socials
Onboarding checklist
Monday Advisor Meetings
Planning your business

Day 3
How to Sell
Invite, observe & assist team-led demos
How to book customers
What to do after sales
How to invite people join business
Learning the systems

Day 4
How To Recruit
Attend detailed TM6 training
Set sales & recruiting goals
Set a schedule every period
Do 3 demos per week
Perform after-sales services

Day 5
NAEP Achiever
Get extra gifts
Earn a TM6 for FREE or buy at a discounted price.
Other benefits